
Garden Wednesday

I was pleasantly surprised yesterday morning when I went out to the deck to water my herbs to see that the seeds were finally, actually sprouting!

I was sure I would end up having to buy transplants when these never sprouted, but I guess I do have a little bit of a green thumb!

I think this is the basil, I can see that the chives are starting to sprout too, but my other herb... I don't know if the little guy is gonna make it.

But hey! Two out of three, not bad.

As for the larger garden project, Erik and I finally got all the rocks and debris loaded onto his truck and he took it off to the dump. The area was swept and now I just need to clean up all the junk piled against the garage wall. We are gonna start drawing up the plans soon for the enclosed garden space and I'll be going out to price wood for the raised beds. The hubby is suggesting I go with railroad ties. I don't much love that idea, but it is on the list as "last resort". 

Erik won't be able to come by for two weeks, so in the meantime, I'll be focusing on cleaning up the beds in the front yard around the house and weeding. Planning to get out there today once the sun moves over to the other side of the house so I'm not in direct sun while trying to work out there.

Other than that, I have house cleaning to do and just got back from a meeting with my rep for a new business I'm starting, that I'll be very excited to talk about once I've gotten my certification done.

Hope you're enjoying warm, sunny weather as I am!


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