
Fashion/Beauty Friday

The decision of what to feature today was made easy by the gorgeous Kate Middleton, now Duchess of Cambridge.

To be honest, I'd grown irritated by the insane amount of coverage on the impending nuptials of William and Kate, but last night I found myself riveted to the TV, waiting anxiously to get a glimpse of her and the obsessively talked about reveal of her wedding dress.

I was quite overjoyed with what I saw. I love that she went the "Grace Kelly" route and she wore the dress with such beauty and grace. She truly looked like a Princess and I love that she wore her hair half up/half down. The neckline, bodice and lace is breathtaking and my heart fluttered a little at the beauty of her skirt. More lace and the way the train was layered made me wish I could have the dress for myself. I was not all that surprised when I heard that she was going to do her own makeup, she is a very normal, down to earth girl and I think she did a lovely job.

I saw a story that a company was waiting with baited breath for a glimpse of the dress (McQueen) and that they'd begin making replicas. I'm sure even the replicas will be incredibly expensive, so no chance I'll ever get my hands on one. 

The ceremony was beautiful, if a bit long in the tooth and I wasn't able to keep my eyes open long enough to see "The Kiss", but of course... there's no way I'd be able to miss it, even if I wanted to.

Congrats to the happily married couple! I hope we will see them happy and be able to live out the normal life they wish to lead. 

Next up will be baby bump watch. Hahaha! No... I'm just kidding. Well... not really. 


Empowerment Thursday

Last year, when I was trying to adjust to life and dealing with my anxiety/depression issues I made a daily list of things I needed to do. I did very well with the list, and as I accomplished each task, I felt happy as I crossed each item off the list.

At some point I let the chore list fall to the wayside and now find myself feeling bored, unmotivated and lazy about the house. Yesterday the hubby suggested I pick up the list habit again, so last night I made up a list of chores, along with specific rules to keep myself on track.

I was successful on the first three, but then I caught myself looking through my mail and blog sites on my phone, and can very well see now how doing so has sidetracked me. But the day is not yet over, and I can take up where I left off. Tomorrow is another day, and another chance to do better. I'm ready and prepared to begin the task of making a list nightly to better prioritize myself and my tasks.

Does anyone else subscribe to this way of keeping oneself on track? If so, do you have further helpful suggestions? If so, please comment and share.

I'm off to finish the rest of my tasks for the day and I hope you are successful in completing yours. Have a lovely day!



Down a different path...

Since visiting the Natural History Museum in LA with my sister a few weeks back, it's prompted a change of heart. I so thoroughly enjoyed working in the lab, and it transported me back to how much I loved being in science class/labs in high school.

Like any college student, I've changed my mind about what I want to study a couple times now, but I think I've finally found exactly what I would love to do.

Since 2006 I've been heavily into the Green movement, reading constantly about green architecture,
specifically pre-fab home and landscape design. I've been looking for ways to be greener in my everyday life, from recycling plastic bags, working to use fabric bags for groceries, recycling, changing light bulbs, looking into solar and wind energy options, and finding a greener alternative to my car.

I LOVE thinking about and working to do these things, making my home and myself live more sustainably.

And now with my project of growing my own vegetables and possibly having a few hens for fresh eggs, I really want to study something that is good for myself and good for the earth. After expressing disappointment that my community college doesn't seem to have much in regards to "green jobs" training  he told me I should look at Cal Poly Pomona.

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw that they had a huge agricultural department and a great architecture department as well.

They have so much hands-on learning opportunities available and acres of land devoted to farming, greenhouses, livestock and much more.

I've made an appt to see my college counselor to change my current major to a transfer degree.
I'm hoping it won't be stretching myself beyond ability to major in Landscape Design and minor in Agricultural Sciences. I'll obviously have to discuss how that works out with my counselor.
Also, this is an opportunity to use both degrees as one, or work in one and fall back on the other if need be.

I'm really excited to start working on this. I finally mailed my request for my state birth certificate to begin the process of getting my tribal affiliation in order so I can have help with paying for college and I'm hoping to find a seminar to attend on FAFSA so I can better understand how it works.

So this is where I am now and I am very excited. Cal Poly also has an open campus program during the summer and if I can get the money to afford it, I won't have to worry about taking classes at Chaffey, I can hopefully get better classes during Cal Poly's open summer session.

As far the garden project, Erik will be coming over sometime this weekend to finish getting all the rocks and debris out of the yard so we can start the process of building a raised bed. Gary and I are looking for a good composter and I'm hoping that when we attend the Earth Day Festival in Claremont in Saturday that I'll be able to talk to someone to point me in the right direction for a dependable composter and educate me more on how to do it.

Not only do we have the Earth Day event in Claremont, but Friday through Sunday is the Lemon Festival in Downtown Upland. The booth line-up there isn't looking all that exciting to me, but I still want to go check it out. I'll be posting pics of what I see at the events.


The Beauty Department

I'm very excited by Lauren Conrad's new beauty website. It features great and easy to follow tutorials and talks about current fashion trends. I absolutely love the web design for her page as well. I will be following this blog very closely.


Head, meet Wall

The last few days I've felt immensely frustrated with my lack of a job and inability to get through college and get the education I want.

For weeks now I've been filling out applications left and right at numerous places. I'm looking for a job in retail, as I enjoy working that type of job very much, but not a call have I received.

As for school, last semester I was lucky to get one class that also happened to be a zero credit class. This semester I got two classes, and with the way things are going in this state and the endless budget cuts to education, I may find that no classes will be offered during the summer semester and per one counselor, classes might be down to 90 (In good times 150+ classes were offered) by the time Fall semester hits.

It's a vicious cycle right now of people losing their jobs and running back to school to further their education to get a better job, but then getting out and finding there's still no jobs. Of course, that all depends on ones major.

My aim is to get through general education so I can apply to the Radiologic Technology program, then push a bit further to become a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer (Ultrasound). At the rate I'm going, it's going to take me 4+ years just to get through general-ed. It's driving me batty! I just want to get to a point where I have a good steady job, can afford to achieve my top two life goals, and feel like I've made good use of my opportunities and improved my knowledge.

Instead I feel like I'm continuously walking into a wall that won't budge and that I can't just walk around.

Believe me, I know... no one ever said life would be easy and I know that one has to overcome obstacles along the journey to their dreams. I just wish the school part of it was at least easier. I'm not even talking about the learning itself, that will have it's own difficulties. I'd appreciate the opportunity to GET classes so I can jump into the struggle of being a good student and feel like I'm on the way to getting somewhere with a career.

Gary's advised me to focus on getting a job, and letting things happen as they will. I agree and know that I can't control everything to the 'nth degree that I'd like. Still, I cry out against the difficulty of one getting an education and how expensive it is. I know CA has the cheapest community college fees of any junior college, but setting ones sights higher to get into a university is quite daunting. Tuition fees are insane and lately I joke that the only way I could ever get into a University is if we win the lottery.

What I am working on is getting my Native American Citizenship papers, because they offer assistance with college. Once I get through all that and find out what my options are, I hope... but won't count on, getting enough help that I may be able to seriously consider going to one of the local Universities.

So... this is my situation and I just needed to rant. Tomorrow is another day and some new opportunity could arise. I just gotta keep trudging along and do whatever I can to make something happen for myself.


MBrace it!

Erik and I finished emptying the last half of the side garden plot today, but as you can see the bougainvillea  still needs to be trimmed & shaped up and we need to haul away the rocks and debris to the local dump. He plans to come by next Sunday to throw everything into his truck and haul it away.

We are keeping the bougainvillea as a partial shade and I have later hopes of possibly building some type of decorative fence across the front of the area that begins the "car pad" (see photo 1) with a lovely walkway trellis in the middle that the bougainvillea can grow up onto. It would be a beautiful entrance to my garden area plus a great way to keep my future hens penned into that part of the yard.

After talking to my friend Vanessa (Hi, girl!!!) about the benefits of container gardening, I plan to have a few containers placed around the perimeter to grow in, but I still can't let go of my ache for a beautiful wood raised bed. Especially after finding the MBrace Raised Bed Brackets!


They come in multiple fun designs and they make building a raised bed easy as 1, 2, 3... They're designed to work with 2x4's and there are no tools or screws required, all you need are the brackets, and the lumber ( I'm planning to do redwood ). They can be short beds, or all the way up to 12' long beds. You can get them in stainless steel or powder coated rust ( I love the stainless steel. It'll weather beautifully over time ). All you have to do are drop your 2x4's in and it's ready to go.

I'll admit, when I first saw the price ( $139.99 ) I felt my stomach drop and knew it wouldn't be possible, but after thinking about it a little, basically it's about $35 dollars per brace and as no one else is making anything fun like this yet, I like the idea of being a little bit on the garden decorating cutting edge. The jury's ( Gary ) still out on it, but I'm hoping to persuade him to it. As I doubt I'll be getting that Dream Chair in my last post as a B-Day gift, maybe I can talk him into this.

Obviously the plan is to level out the area where we will put the raised bed, then I want to lay down a sheet of plastic between the bed and existing soil, drop in some gravel for good drainage then throw in the mixture of potting soil and compost to get my soil started. The closet garden hose is 15 or more feet away, and Gary's not keen on having a hose running across the yard for a drip system for the planter. Also, he says I need to be down there tending to it everyday and the drip system would just be an excuse to neglect it. I agree, though do think a drip system could be helpful. Maybe he'll get into that idea at a later date.

As for plants themselves, I originally was going to go with starting from seeds, but yesterday we discovered that the Downtown Upland Farmers Market is back and there was a booth there that sold beautiful, ready to go transplants. After talking with the seller about seeds vs transplants, I definitely want to go the transplant route. It won't be too expensive either. His plants go for about $2 each and I noticed at Lowe's yesterday that they have other transplants for $1. Still, I want to support locally grown farmers, so I hope to buy most my transplants at the Farmers Market.

While at Lowe's I picked up the latest issue of Urban Farmer and saw that the Arboretum in Arcadia will be having a container/raised bed gardening class in May and I'm thinking it'll be really good to go and soak up as much information as I can. Hopefully the class doesn't fill up too quick!


Christina Perri - The Lonely

Absolutely love Christina Perri! Jar of Hearts is perfection and this song is now my new favorite.

So gorgeous and beautiful. The chorus touches me so much.


Backyard "Farm"

Right after we moved in the hubby and I looked into finding someone to help us start a small veggie garden. We contacted a local company that looked most interesting to us, but never heard back.
The other day I tried again while we were out and got a hold of the main guy and he invited us over to talk about what we wanted to do. They have a great business going on and I was very excited about having them come in until I saw the price. That pretty much choked the excitement out of me.

When we got home I ended up on Costco.com and found this awesome "greenhouse" by GrowCamp.

It's a couple hundred cheaper than the gardening group was asking and it looks so cool and fun to work with. The Hubs wasn't all into the idea, especially as I haven't been able to keep a house plant alive yet, but I am bound and determined to make this work. The thought of going out into my yard and picking my own veggies and fruits for meals makes me so excited! The money and gas saved not going to and buying stuff from the market will make the work and the waiting totally worth it. The possibility of sharing my harvest with family and friends, and of course, the green aspect of it makes it all the more enticing. The GrowCamp may not be ending up in my backyard anytime soon, but if I can prove myself I may see it back there in the future.

Unfortunately 95% of of our yard is made up of concrete and a large pool, but on the left side of the garage, there is a long wide planter that will be perfect for starting up. 

As you can see, it's a nasty mess right now, filled with junk, weeds, rocks and a big ugly plant. On Saturday my friend/Handyman Erik will be joining me bright and early to clean the area out. The dirt out there is not at all conducive to growing plants, I know that without even trying to dig in it. Once we can move on to the next step of constructing a raised bed. I'm thinking we'll go with this cost friendly version at Home Depot by Scenery Solutions.

One of the great things about these kits are that they're expandable. And from reading all the great reviews, it's easy to put together, you just have to be very thorough about it to prevent the center from bowing out. I can buy new soil and put it in there and won't have to deal with the bad soil whatsoever.
Once I do get this garden up, I'll have to make sure to tell my pool man to clean the filter out in front, as I do not want even a drop of pool chemicals to get into my vegetable beds. Same with other chemicals, I plan to use all organic products for growing my plants.

Directly opposite of the carport pad where the growing area will be, is a mess of our trash cans and I plan to move them around the corner, under the deck (see third photo). Plus I gotta figure out where the rest of the junk is going.

In the meantime, to get myself started I picked up a Buzzy herb growing kit from CVS.

After I've been able to produce some veggies, I'm seriously considering getting a few hens for my own eggs! I picked up a great book on raising chickens ( Homemade Living: Keeping Chickens with Ashley English: All You Need to Know to Care for a Happy, Healthy Flock by Ashley English ) and have been reading up online about breeds, building a chicken coop and run and anything else that catches my eye.
I treasure the idea of hearing 2 or 3 lovely ladies chirping below and having fresh, delicious and much more nutritious eggs. A lot of responsibility comes with keeping chickens, but I am ready for the challenge. 

I am so excited to begin this adventure and I hope you'll enjoy reading about it and possibly getting the inspiration to do the same for your own home. 

Lastly, after all a hard days work of taking care of my garden, I hope to eventually find myself relaxing in one of these, reading a book/magazine. 
It's called "The Dream Chair" and that's exactly what it is! My birthday is coming up... heehee

edit* Looks like we may have some rain coming this weekend. Fingers crossed that it doesn't mess with our garden clean-up plans.

Plus, here's a few photos of the pool just for fun.