
Better late than never...

I know, I've been MIA the last couple days and I'm sorry. School, family gatherings, and medical issues have kept me quite busy the last few days, but I hope to be back on top of this and make up on posts this weekend.

I've taken photos of the apartment, have my list of remodel/decor hopes for each room and will be working on getting them all written up and posted before weekends end. Also I took a little hike with my family up Mount Baldy on Labor Day and will make a little post of our adventures up the mountain.

I was planning to take a bunch of photos at my local farmers market to post about it, but when I showed up downtown yesterday there wasn't a food stand in sight. I ending up asking in one of the stores why the farmers market was missing and they said that the city cancelled it. Last week was the final one for this year! Very sad and disappointed, but I know next door in Claremont they have the Claremont Farmers and Artisans Market on Sundays and I most likely will start hitting that up. Really want some fresh flowers for the living room. 

I got the LOVE print up in a lovely frame, purchased on sale from Michaels and the little vintage door handle rack has found it's home next to the front door. Now I have a spot to hang my purse and a jacket.

So that's a little peek into what I've been up to this last week, and you'll know more by Monday. Have a happy weekend, y'all!


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